Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE Institutions


Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE Institutions

The project of this network proposes to help educational and training institutions to achieve Virtual Mobility and to guarantee EQF implementation through e-learning, aiming at finding specific obstacles in institutions and proposing concrete and innovative solutions. It will promote cooperation and joint work among partner organizations and will link with related initiatives. It will address other educational networks to help the dissemination of the results.
The project is organized in twelve workpackages that cover all activities of the project. The core group is composed by four subject interest groups (SIG) that address the main objectives of the network. Each SIG will research the selected themes, looking for what has been done and proposing answers for the research questions. Each SIG will also look for potential collaboration with other projects and initiatives that are working in similar areas.

Reference: 143748-PT-KA3NW
Duration: 3 years
Key Activity 3: ICT / network
Financed by: European Commission - Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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