Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE Institutions

Subject Interest Groups (SIG)

SIG 1 - Virtual Mobility, ECTS and E-learning

SIG 1 is dedicated to Virtual Mobility, ECTS and E-learning. It is coordinated by Universidade Aberta. Some of the questions addressed in this group are:

  • How Institutions are dealing with Bologna?
  • Which are the main obstacles?
  • How can we adapt the ECTS system to on-line courses?
  • How can we quantify ECTS in e-learning courses?
  • How can we develop competences and attitudes?
  • What type of information systems can be defined?

In the first phase, to set the framework based on existing projects, publications and reports, this SIG will gather information about the implementation of the Bologna process (curricular development, types of programmes, ECTS adoption) (EuropeanComission 2009). It will also collect information about national/international mobility programs and integration in the labour market (EuropeanComission 2009), looking for obstacles to mobility, concrete problems. Finally, based on existing projects, publications and reports, will obtain information on on-line and blended-learning courses, researching how ECTS have been quantified on those courses, what information is available for calculating ECTS and, in particular, which indicators have been used.
On a second phase, SIG 1 will aim at identifying potential barriers and facilitators to virtual mobility. Also, based on collected information in each institution and on the Research SIG, it will try to define specific rules to apply virtual mobility, including a Model of agreements between institutions relating this issue and ECTS calculation recommendations for on-line activities.

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SIG 2 - Research

SIG 2 is dedicated to Research and is coordinated by EITSA. It will include the following questions:

  • What research what has been done in projects in the area of virtual mobility?
  • Was virtual mobility addressed in the EQF?
  • What was researched on the definition of ECTS in virtual mobility?
  • Are there research projects done in e-learning with guidelines that may be used in general?

This SIG will compile contributions of Partners into a database of Projects, Networks and Initiatives related to Virtual Mobility and to EQF implementation, using a pre-defined structure. It will include basic data about the project, justification for selection, objectives and outcomes, strengths and weaknesses, applicability of the project to VIRQUAL.
This SIG will also identify areas that still need contributions and direct partner work to fulfil the needs. Finally, SIG2 will identify, among the compiled information, other networks, projects and initiatives that VIRQUAL should try to network with.

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SIG 3 - E-learning and evaluation of Learning Outcomes of EQF

SIG 3 was denominated as E-learning and evaluation of Learning Outcomes of EQF. The leading partner is the Technical University of Vienna. The questions to analyze and search for an answer are:

  • How can e-learning tools contribute to the evaluation of the learning objectives?
  • How can we compare learning objectives with the learning outcomes?
  • How can the learning outcomes be related with a possible insertion in the qualifications of the EQF?
  • Can all learning outcomes be evaluated through e-learning?
  • Which are the Learning outcomes that can be evaluated through e-learning in a systematic process?

This SIG, based on existing projects, publications and reports, will compile information about how e-learning can contribute to the evaluation of Learning Outcomes. More specifically, will research on how we can relate Learning Objectives with Learning Outcomes. Also, will look on how to define Learning Outcomes in an e-learning course and how we can identify Learning Outcomes accomplished by students. Finally, will look at assessment and validation of Learning Outcomes using e-learning.

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SIG 4 - E-learning and EQF

E-learning and EQF is the title of SIG 4. It is coordinated by Universidade do Minho. The questions concerning this SIG are:

  • How can e-learning courses contribute to the acquisition of qualifications in different levels of the EQF?
  • Can we acquire all types of qualifications through e-learning?
  • Which are the qualifications acquired by e-learning and the characteristics of these qualifications?
  • What are the reasons why some qualifications can not be acquired by e-learning?

This SIG will gather information about the adoption of EQF in different countries. It will compile information about the state of EQF in each country (NQF and involvement of Education Institutions and report examples of Good practices.
SIG4 will also analyse and decompose levels 5 to 8 of Learning Outcomes of EQF and propose concrete e-learning strategies that would contribute to the acquisition of EQF levels, describing experiences that lead to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences.

Documentation [+ info]